15 minutes pasta
Pasta...the food Cheney ate lots during UK student life...
well, Cheney must say it is quite easy to cook one, and Cheney did have lots ideas from Jamie Oliver
Even now, living at Chengdu, a place not easy to find western food...but then Cheney still used to have a pasta to feed Cheney better...
The Sihchun's style sausage is quite suitable for Italian-Chinese mixed style pasta....Beware, do remember put a small red chill in it. It will make your pasta fantastic !!
And it is true, 15 mins you can finish this meal......
義大利麵是Cheney在英國學生生活中最常吃的料理....真的是很簡單的做法,Cheney從Jamie Oliver 那學到不少
即使是現在在這個不見藍天白雲的成都.....要吃外國食物是很困難的...更別提隨時有機會把化學元素表吃過一遍的黑心食品....在慵懶的周末, Cheney仍習慣對自己好一點